Excellence in Secure Cloud Computing Research and Education!
Detection Research
The detection research team is developing system and host monitoring techniques and demonstrations to detect anomalous activity in a cloud along with digital forensics techniques for cloud-based systems. Specific problems are under investigation within explicitly defined cloud security research contexts, encompassing security and privacy requirements, delivery models, deployment models, cloud actors and attack techniques. Synergy with the protection, policy, and education and outreach teams is being pursued.
Recent Publications:
- Aguilar D L, Perez M A M, Loyola-Gonzalez O, Choo K-K R and Bucheli-Susarrey. Towards an interpretable autoencoder: A decision tree-based autoencoder and its application in anomaly detection. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing [Early Access], Feb 2022. DOI: TDSC.2022.3148331
- Richard Alvarez, Paras Bhatt, Đorđe Klisura, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo 2024. Predicting Game Cheating Behavior Through the Social Network. In Proceedings of The 15th Dewald Roode Workshop on Information Systems Security Research (DRW 2023), 22-23 June 2023, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Rasheed, Amar & Baza, Mohamed & Badr, Mahmoud & Alshahrani, Hani & Choo, Kim-Kwang. (2023). Efficient Crypto Engine for Authenticated Encryption, Data Traceability, and Replay Attack Detection Over CAN Bus Network. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. PP. 1-17. DOI:10.1109/TNSE.2023.3312545